Pickle Sister


We are growing our pickleball community and exploring different programming options and court access.

Our indoor program runs at Glendon Athletic Club on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and Elite Training Centre on Thursday mornings from October to the end of April. Our Glendon programs are full but we have added an extra morning of Pickle Sister on Thursday mornings at Elite starting in January.

After a group warm up, we run 10 minute games and have winning teams split partners and move up a court. This format allows for a natural sorting of players into levels and gives everyone the opportunity to play with lots of different partners and minimizes waiting time. We limit subs to one per court so there is very little off court time and maximum workout.

Reach out to us if you are interested in pickleball and join our mailing list (bottom of this page) if you would like to stay up to date on our programming.


Skate Sister Hockey ™ • Pickle Sister ™ • Spike Sister Volleyball ™